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Austria Walks

Brennerberge & Hochstubai
Walk 6119Steinach im Brenner to Tribulaunhüttemod/hard
Walk 6121Italian Tribulaun Hut to Bremerhüttemod/hard
Walk 6120Tribulaunhütte to Italian Tribulaun Hutmod/hard
Zillertal (Tyrol)
Walk 6038The Penken Ridgeeasy
Walk 6024Finkenberg to Mayrhofeneasy
Walk 6037Ahornbahn Panorama Walkeasy
Walk 6025Mayrhofen to Zell-am-Zillereasy
Walk 6035Gasthaus Karlsteg from Ginzlingeasy
Walk 6030Edelhütte circuit from the Ahornbahneasy/mod
Walk 6033Stilluptal from the Grüne Wald Hütteeasy/mod
Walk 6027The Kreuzweisenalm Hütte from Zell-am-Zillereasy/mod
Walk 6034Gasthaus Innerböden from Ginzlingeasy/mod
Walk 6029The Edelhütte from the Ahornbahneasy/mod
Walk 6031Filzenkogel and Point 2230 from the Ahornbahneasy/mod
Walk 6036Rastkogel & Wanglspitze from Finkenberger Almbahnmod/hard
Walk 6028Ahornspitz (2973m) from the Ahornbahnmod/hard
Walk 6032Toreggenkopf & Edelhütte from the Ahornbahnmoderate
Walk 6026The Karspitze (2264m) from Zell-am-Zillermoderate


Stay Safe

Do enjoy yourself when out walking and choose a route that is within your capabilities especially with regard to navigation.

Do turn back if the weather deteriorates especially in winter or when visibility is poor.

Do wear the right clothing for the anticipated weather conditions. If the weather is likely to change for the worse make sure you have enough extra clothing in your pack.

Do tell someone where you are planning to walk especially in areas that see few other walkers.

Do take maps and other navigational aids. Do not rely on mobile devices in areas where reception is poor. Take spare batteries especially in cold weather.

Do check the weather forecast before leaving. The Met Office has a number of forecasts for walkers that identify specific weather risks.

Please Note - These walks have been published for use by site visitors on the understanding that Walking Britain is not held responsible for the safety or well being of those following the routes as described. It is worth reiterating the point that you should embark on a walk with the correct maps preferably at 1:25000 scale. This will enable any difficulties with route finding to be assessed and corrective action taken if necessary.